Terms and Conditions


Parish of the Holy Trinity

Parish of the Holy Trinity


We aim to make this website as accessible as possible for all users as far as our limited resources permit.

Please do not hestitate make any requests or suggestions to the webmaster for modifications or assistance to improve or extend access, either for the general user or where there are special circumstances.

The web pages are generically and adaptively styled so that they should display well in all commonly used browsers and screen sizes, small or large.

Again please advise the webmaster of any display problems: there is such variety of devices and software that entirely consistent behavour can only be hoped and prayed for!


Although we take great care to ensure the completeness and correctness of information available on this site, it is not guaranteed against occasional omissions or errors.

The information on this site does not constitute any advice, whether religious, legal or otherwise.

We do not accept any responsibility for damages, loss or expenses resulting from the use of this information.

Links to third party websites are chosen carefully for relevance and appropriateness but we have no control over their content: their choice does not imply that we endorse or support the content of these websites and we take no responsibility for it.

Similar considerations apply to third party material which may be displayed by a third party activation process.

Privacy and Cookies

Cookies are small text files sent from the website server to be stored by your browser on your computer.

The intrepid user can find full details of the cookies in use and control their use by exploring their browser settings.

When necessary, user friendly cookie control is available from the Cookie Consent dialog box displayed at the start of each website session.

Currently our website is hosted by wix.com, who as most websites do, use Google Analytics to track usage, so a Cookie Consent dialog appears when a web session is started.

See https://support.google.com/analytics for extensive discussuion of the issues arising.

However most of our pages are currently loaded from the supporting site ckwrightphd.net which is entirely cookie free, so no additional cookie consent is necessary for access to these pages.

Personal Information

No personal information is held in cookies.

We do not normally use web based forms, but may on occasion do so: any such form will explain how the data is to be used and ask for your consent for that use. If consent is not given, the data will not be read and will be discarded. We adhere strictly to the Diocesan privacy policy detailed in https://www.rcdea.org.uk/privacy-statement/.