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25th – 2nd February Parish Diary 2025
Sat 25th
QC 0800 Mass
HM 1000 Mass

Hm 0930 Rosary

HM 1045 Confession
HM 1800 Mass

Margaret Ellener RIP

Welfare of the Kilbane family

Sunday of the Word of God
Psalm Response

Your words, O LORD, are spirit and life

Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Acclamation

The Lord has sent me to proclaim good news to the poor; to proclaim liberty to the captives.


Eucharistic Prayer
Sun 26th
3rd Sunday of the Year Today is Sunday of the Word of God
HM 1000 Mass

St John’s Ambulance Service

For the Parish

QC 1030 Mass
Mon 27th
St Angela
QC 0800 Mass
Tue 28th
St Thomas Aquinas
QC 0800 Mass
Wed 29th
QC 0800 Mass
HM 0930 Mass

Vera intention’s

Thurs 30th
QC 0800 Mass
Fri 31st
St John Bosco
QC 0800 Mass
HM 1000 Mass

Gt. Ormond St, Hospital.

HM 1030 -1400
Sat 1ST February
St Henry Morse Feast Day
QC 0800 Mass
HM 0930 Rosary
HM 1000 Mass

In thanksgiving for doctors and nurses

HM 1045 Confession
HM 1800 Mass

Jean Gosling RIP and all deceased family members

Sun 2nd
The Presentation of the Lord Candlemas Day St Henry Morse Celebration Feast
HM 1000 Mass

Salma, William and Margaret Redgrave,RIP and all deceased family members

QC 1030 Mass