Parish of the Holy Trinity
Parish of the Holy Trinity
Nikki Young and I have been asked by Fr Alex to arrange a pilgrimage to Tyburn Convent, I'm here to just tell you a little bit about Tyburn, and to hopefully whet your appetite to consider signing-up for the day trip.
The Pilgrimage is planned for Saturday 24th May.
In 2016 we did the same pilgrimage and there were nearly 50 parishioners and it really was an enjoyable and extremely uplifting day
I shall do a very quick summary about the Convent, and then a brief rundown on the proposed agenda.
Travel will be by Simonds Coaches, departing from here, with comfort stop enroute. The coach will drop you literally outside the convent, and likewise for the departure.
Tyburn Convent is in the heart of London's West End, it's hard to believe that two hundred yards down the road towards Marble Arch was the site of the Tyburn Gallows. The site is marked with a plaque set into paving stones on a traffic island, but I would urge you to go and see it.
It's a very busy part of London, and thousands must walk past the convent having no idea what lies behind the front door.
Stepping into the Convent is an oasis of calm.
The community of Nuns originally fled to England at the beginning of the 20th century because of the then Laws of France against religious orders.
The Nuns took possession of what is now Tyburn Convent in 1903, founded for the Glorification of the English Martyrs.
And that is the connection we have with Tyburn Convent, that St Henry Morse is one of the 40 English Martyrs.
There are 2 Chapels within the convent, the first has the Altar of the Martyrs. And the other has Perpetual Euchasristic Adoration, which has remained unbroken for the last 120+ years. The Nuns take it in turns to spend an hour of adoration, and then hand over when a bell is rung, this is continuous day and night, 7 days a week.
And of course during your visit you will be welcome to join them.
There is the Martyrs' Crypt, with two beautiful stained glass windows by Margaret Rope, a highly regarded Arts & Crafts Movement artist. Who as a Carmalite Nun worked at the Woodbridge Convent before they all moved to Quidenham
There are relics on display of the Martyrs from the period of the Reformation, and many artifacts and engravings on show in a small gallery.
The agenda is to be confirmed, but there will be Mass celebrated by Fr Alex at the Altar of the Martyrs, a talk given by a Nun on Tyburn, and the Martyrs.
There will be an opportunity to visit the Crypt and relics, to partake in Adoration of the Euchasrist, and to visit the plaque marking the site of the Tyburn Gallows.
You have the factual and historical side of Tyburn, both fascinating and thought provoking, and then the spiritual and religious, and there's so much in between, I think there's something for everyone, and of all ages.
I've been 3 times, so I know I'm a bit biased, but I really do think it is worth a visit.
And if you are interested please do add your name to the list on the notice in the community room.
Oh I nearly forgot, I highly recommend the Nuns' tea and biscuits!
Richard Poole