Deanery & Parishes Nearby


Parish of the Holy Trinity

Parish of the Holy Trinity

We are part of the St. Edmund’s Deanery which is centred geographically upon Bury St.Edmund’s. It is very large and comprises the parishes of Bury St.Edmund’s, Stowmarket, Newmarket, Haverhill, Clare, Sudbury, Hadleigh, Thetford, Brandon and Diss. The Dean at the moment is Fr Stefan Park OSA (01787 277326) and Deanery Forum meetings are held twice a year as advertised. We are also bordered on the east by Bungay parish (01986 893355) which has a Mass Centre at Harleston (Sunday Mass 9.00am, Holydays 7.30pm). On the west by Thetford (01842 752266) which has Sunday Masses at 8.00am and 10.00am. And on the south-west by Bury (01284 754358) which has Sunday Masses at 6.30pm (Saturday Vigil Mass), 8.30am and 10.00am. And on the south-east by Stowmarket (01449 771703) which has Sunday Masses at 8.30am and 10.15am. Please phone to check times of Masses on Holydays.

Also of course we have our 'big neighbour' Norwich to the north with the Cathedral of St John the Baptist as main church. See their website for more information; (Tel: 01603 624615