Welcome Page

St Henry Morse

Shelfanger Road,

Diss, IP22 4DX

Parish Priest: Fr Alex Anaman

Parish of the

Holy Trinity

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Carmelite Monastery,

Quidenham, NR16 2PH

Chaplain: Fr Stephen Blair

The Week from Saturday 22nd March 2025

Lent & Easter Programme

Click here for details: Lent & Easter.

Join Fr Alex for Stations of The Cross at St Henry Morse Church, held during Lent three times a week, starting on Friday March 7th: taking place on Fridays at 7pm, Wednesdays after 9.30am Mass and also on Tuesdays at 6pm ONLINE VIA ZOOM:
join by using the reply obtained by sending this email for zoom link: parish@holytrinitydiss.com.

Treasurers Report to Parish

The treasurers newly arrived report may be found from The Site Guide

Clergy Thought On third Sunday of Lent, we are given another moment of grace to straighten us on our journey. Today, we celebrate the Lord who frees us from our slavery to sin if only we listen to His warning to repent. Hence, our central theme today is repentance. God is not indifferent to our various conditions of life, irrespective of what those conditions may be. He wishes us well and gives us all we need to live and lead a meaningful and fulfilled life, if we sincerely repent of our sins. God will not only forgive us, but He will heal us. For our repentance will attracts His mercy, compassion, forgiveness, healing and salvation. Amen! Fr Alex 


St Henry Morse Services

Sat 22nd
0930 Rosary
1000 Mass
1045 Confession
1800 Mass
Sun 23rd
1000 Mass
Mon 24th
Tue 25th
Wed 26th
0930 Mass
1000 Stations of the Cross
Thurs 27th
Fri 28th
0900 Adoration
0930 Mass
Sat 29th
0930 Rosary
1000 Mass
1045 Confession
1800 Mass
Sun 30th
1000 Mass

St Henry Morse Website

Welcome to the St Henry Morse website: it is gradually being reorganised: suggestions and contributions are very welcome; contact Chris Wright at ckwright@allmail.net.

The main church of our parish is St Henry Morse in Diss which was built in 2012 replacing the Church of The Most Holy Trinity on Stanley Road dating from 1952.

Included in the parish is the Carmel of Quidenham; it has its own website at https://quidenhamcarmel.org.uk .

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Services

Sat 22nd
0800 Mass
Sun 23rd
1030 Mass
Mon 24th
0800 Mass
Tue 25th
0800 Mass
Wed 26th
0800 Mass
Thurs 27th
0800 Mass
Fri 28th
0800 Mass
Sat 29th
0800 Mass
Sun 30th
1030 Mass